"It's been given a bad reputation... years of negative propaganda and it gets blamed for everything from laziness to murder. I really hate the way every smoker gets tarred with the same brush and any mistakes, no matter how big or small are blamed on their marijuana use. Like many things in life, it affects different people in different ways. There are far more forgetful, lazy and stupid people that don't smoke marijuana, than do. As a plant, it's brilliant and has many good uses. It's 30% cheaper and easier to make paper from marijuana plants... AND it's a seasonal plant, which means a new crop can be grown in the same place each year and just about anybody can grow it. That's a problem for mill companies who have bought up and are destroying forests everywhere. Alcohol, tobacco and prescription drug companies also have major issues with marijuana, all directly linked to loss of profits. Basically, marijuana is illegal in most parts of the world, but for all the wrong reasons and people believe it's bad because that's what we're told. It's a fantastic plant and drug and the conspiracy behind it is second only to religion."
Colin, 27, Amsterdam, Netherlands by BRIAN HILL
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